Digitalt artist talk: Andreas Senoner
23 September 17.00 - 18.00 på zoom

Passa på att träffa Andreas Senoner som är på residensvistelse hos KKV Luleå under augusti och september. Andreas kommer från Italien, Florens. Med sina skulpturer fördjupar han sig i relationer, det föränderliga och element som bidrar till den transformation. I sina konstverk använder han unika material, mestadels från animaliska och växtliga källor - inklusive trä, fjädrar, lavar, tyg, bivax - alltid med tanke på dess historia och process för skapande och utveckling.
Under sin vistelse på KKV Luleå tänker Andreas Senoner ta tillfället i akt och använda de verkstäder som finns för att fokusera på att experimentera och producera genom att använda ovanliga och nya material i sin konstnärliga praktik. Han kommer att hämta inspiration från naturen och den lokala landsbygden och under vistelsen tänker han skapa en ny serie skulpturer.
Lär känna Andreas konstnärskap och ta del av hans intryck av Luleå och Norrbotten.
Föreläsningen sker på engelska.
Arrangörer: Resurscentrum för konst, Konsthallen Luleå och KKV Luleå
Presentation på engelska
Andreas Senoner (b. 1982, Bolzano, Italy) centers his sculptural research on a series of main themes, including metamorphosis, heritage, and stratification, in a symbolic and material level. With his sculptures, he delves into the relationships that connect the individual, the mutable context in which he resides, and the elements that contribute to that transformation.
For his artworks, he selects and uses unique materials, mostly from animal and plant sources - including wood, feathers, lichens, fabric, beeswax - always keeping in mind their history and process of creation and evolution, while giving value to those factors.
The preferred medium is wood, an essential natural element, a collector of memories, a material that allows us to read traces of time - before, during, and after the artistic process. Senoner recalls the traditional sculptural processes in a contemporary perspective, based on the message he needs to convey, searching a language strictly connected to the concrete nature of the chosen materials and topics narrated. He tries to establish a dialogue and induce parallelism with the memories of the viewer.
"During his stay at KKV Luleå, Andreas Senoner intends to take the opportunity to use the laboratories and machinery available in the center to focus on experimentation and production, using uncommon materials in his artistic practice, observing and drawing inspiration from nature and the local rural context. He aims to create a series of sculptures characterized by new aesthetic and conceptual solutions that he can incorporate with the established practices of his current artistic research and future projects.
He will use workshops in a transversal way through a variety of techniques, including bronze fusion, cast-iron, ceramics, and woodcuts while searching for contemporary patinas and effects. Working for the first time in Sweden, and in a northern European country, Senoner is very interested in observing and studying the possible differences, and the ways in which local people approach the concept of contemporary sculpture, but also the main materials of his artistic research, and the predominant element of nature."
Senoner attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and the Facultad de Bellas Artes San Carlos in Valencia, Spain. He followed classes of Performance and Sound poetry from artist Bartolomé Ferrando. In 2006 he was granted a scholarship for Minneapolis College of Art and Design (Minneapolis, USA) where he attended sculpture classes from artist Kinji Akagawa, with whom he deepened his wood carving technique. From that moment, wood has become a permanent feature as a material of expression in his artistic practice.
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